09 June 2006

I'd rather eat Tic Tacs for a day than monkey chow for a week, that's for sure

When I was in high school, I thought it was so incredibly absurd that Tic Tacs had nutrition labels "based on a 2,000 calorie diet", I decided to calculate how many boxes I'd need to eat in a day (only eating Tic Tacs, mind you) and follow the course. This wasn't an attempt to lose weight, although it should have been, considering that I was quite the heifer back then. It was more about proving the stupidity of Tic Tac nutrition labels.

After consuming over 7 containers of Tic Tacs (the light and dark green ones were my favourite), I had such terrible heartburn that I was forced to consider the fact that I might be the idiot in this case.

Today I stumbled across a website of a similar, if more disgusting, venture. Adam Scott, of The Last Angry Young Man, decided he'd try eating monkey chow for a week to save money on food and time on preparation and cleaning. Video diary links are posted on the blog as well.

Good luck, Monkey Man. Good luck. At least you're trying an experiment with a product you don't normally consume. My esophagus burns just thinking of eating Tic Tacs.

1 comment:

tao1776 said...

Monkey chow IS pretty good.
Worth trying!