08 April 2006

Goals and free movies!

Today my parents and I discussed my finances come September, where I'll reside while attending University and what my goals are from now until then.

I'm not sure yet how much financial aid I will receive, which partly determines the choice in housing, so I've just decided to list my goals:
  1. Find a job by the end of April
  2. work at least 20 hours a week until September
  3. Decide on a major by August
  4. Exercise 5 days a week to start, at least 20 minutes a day (that's the shortest Turbo Jam workout) from now until July (my brother's wedding)

I was exercising daily for about two weeks, but last Friday I became much more lazy and, since I was in Seattle for three days, didn't exercise then or since I've come home. Eight days is too long of a break. Plus, I received the Maximum Results package in the mail on Thursday!

Tomorrow, I'll start my workout regimen again.

Oh, and one of my mum's students is the daughter of the manager at the local movie theatre (hey, it's better than Wal-Mart), so I hopefully have an in there. My mum called the student's mother for information and apparently the mum was really excited about my interest.

And, even if the job sucks, the job isn't that taxing...plus, FREE MOVIES!

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