28 April 2006


I'm so proud of myself! I waited until 10a to do my workout this morning because I scheduled it with a workout buddy from WOWY. Not only did I do Turbo Jam's Cardio Party Mix 1 (a 40min intense workout), but I did the Ab Jam too (20min ab workout)! I felt so good afterwards! But let me tell you, I was struggling at one point during CP1, around the 20min mark, prolly because I'm not good at the kicks and lunges section. But I put a smile on my face when Chalene reminded me to and that really helped! It's awesome how just smiling can make things feel better, if only momentarily.

I remember I used to smile a lot when I was a kid. Now, it seems like I only smile 10% of the day. How sad. :(

See. There we go again.


tylersstory said...

Good job on the workout. :) keep it up and you will be smiling alot more :)

Anonymous said...

Smiling does make things better! Unless, of course, it's applied to crazy murderes.