02 May 2006

Cute little critters!

SB came over this morning and we worked on a CWU alumni auction item using products from the winery where she works. Her sister, a student at Central, needed it by 3p. After we cut boxes for the glasses, bottle opener and bottles to sit on, we went to Safeway, not the dreaded W, to pick up some chocolate bars to finish off the basket.

During this whole project, we took a break to buy some wine at a different winery (for SB's personal consumption - 3 bottles, mind you), and taking backroads on the way, we saw these cute little gopher-like things running across the road and disappearing into small holes in the dirt. She calls them "sage rats," though I doubt they have anything to do with rats. They're small enough to fit in the palm of your hand, but we found bigger ones as well.

Can you see it? It's so cute!


Anonymous said...

That's it! I am getting the cell phone you have because it takes such wonderful pictures!!! I had fun, can't wait to do it again, oh and by the way I am sharing the bottles with Dave, one is going in the wine cellar and we only drank half a bottle last night, which is about the correct amount to have with dinner. 5-8 oz. Ciao

Brianne said...

you don't have to prove anything! i know you're a closet alcoholic. why else would you say "oh, i don't like wine, just sangiovese!"?

it's ok. you can admit you have a problem. i won't judge! :)

Anonymous said...

dreaded pests

Candy Minx said...

I love these photos. I too take photos of animals I see around Chicago, we have tons of rabbits in the city, they are so cute. I could live with out our mouse in the house though we call him "silent sam" but he loves having his photo taken