17 June 2006

This is almost as bad as believing Clark Kent and Superman look completely different!

I just finished watching Fire in the Sky. Wow. That's all I can seem to say about it.

While I don't think it'll be giving me nightmares (except the creepy claustrophobic scene with the piece of metal coming down towards his eye), I was rightly freaked out.

What also freaks me out is the fact that Robert Patrick was in this movie. I noticed his name on the Netflix envelope and couldn't place the name. I watched the whole movie and still couldn't place the name with any of the faces. Until I looked it up on good ol' imdb.com.

This is Robert Patrick. With those dreamy eyes, shaggy hair and down home style.

To my shock and horror, this is also Robert Patrick.This Robert Patrick is the man that haunted my dreams for a week when I was eight, after I watched Terminator 2: Judgment Day. This is the Robert Patrick I've been scared shitless of for the past fourteen years.What's even more conflicting is that the movies were made a mere two years apart!

I am so confused about how I feel right now.


Greg said...

Yes! That's exactly why I couldn't get into his character on the last season of X-Files... I'd be like "Look out, Scully, he's gonna morph into an alien!"

(Nice blog, by the way.)

Anonymous said...

I'm sure there's no relation between the frogs croaking in your back yard and Robert Patrick.